Modelling the enrolment eService of a university using machine learning techniques
Ainhoa Yera, Iñigo Perona, Olatz Arbelaitz, Javier Muguerza
2018 - Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference e-Society 2018 (ES'18)
Integrating Formative Feedback in Introductory Programming Modules
Felipe I. Anfurrutia, Ainhoa Alvarez, Mikel Larrañaga, Juan Miguel López
2018 - IEEE-RITA Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologías del Aprendizaje
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Design and development of a gait training system for Parkinson's disease
Ainara Garzo, Paula Alexandra Silva, Nestor Garay-Vitoria, Erik Hernandez, Stephen Cullen, Valérie Cochen De Cock, Petra Ihalainen, Rudi Villing
2018 - PLoS ONE 13 (11)
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J.Á. Velázquez Iturbide, A. Bahamonde Rionda, S. Dabic, M.J. Escalona, F. Feito, S. Fernández Cabaleiro, B. Ferrero Martín, N. Garay Vitoria, J.C. García, et al.
2018 -
Informe técnico
EvalVis: Enriching Formative Assessment with Visual Learning Analytics
Mikel Villamañe, Ainhoa Alvarez, Mikel Larrañaga
2018 - International Journal of Engineering Education
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Support resource based on standards for accessible e-Government transactional services
Lourdes Moreno, Paloma Martínez, Javier Muguerza, Julio Abascal
2018 - Computer Standards and Interfaces
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UnPART: PART without the 'partial' condition of it
Igor Ibarguren, Jesús M. Pérez, Javier Muguerza, Ibai Gurrutxaga, Olatz Arbelaitz
2018 - Information Sciences
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An Enhanced Fuzzy Algorithm based on Advanced Signal Processing for Identification of Stress
Asier Salazar-Ramirez, Eloy Irigoyen, Raquel Martinez, Unai Zalabarria
2018 - Neurocomputing
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Impact of the road network configuration on map-matching algorithms for FCD in urban environments
Harbil Arregui, Estibaliz Loyo, Oihana Otaegui, Olatz Arbelaitz
2018 - IET Intelligent Transport Systems
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SaW: Video Analysis in Social Media with Web-Based Mobile Grid Computing
Mikel Zorrilla, Julián Flórez, Alberto Lafuente, Ángel Martín, Jon Montalban, Igor G. Olaizola, Iñigo Tamayo
2018 - IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing
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