Uso de las tic en el seguimiento y evaluación del trabajo fin de grado en el campo de las ingenierías
Mikel Villamañe, Begoña Ferrero, Ainhoa Alvarez
2014 - I Congreso Interuniversitario sobre el Trabajo de Fin de Grado. Retos y oportunidades del TFG en la sociedad del conocimiento
Dealing with common problems in engineering degrees' Final Year Projects
Mikel Villamañe, Begoña Ferrero, Ainhoa Alvarez, Mikel Larrañaga, Ana Arruarte, Jon Ander Elorriaga
2014 - IEEE Frontiers In Education (FIE 2014)
Work in Progress: Multicultural Concept Map Editor
Iñaki Calvo, Ana Arruarte, Jon A. Elorriaga, Mikel Larrañaga
2014 - Joint Workshop on Personalised Information Access - PIA 2014
Integrating Field Studies In Agile Development To Evaluate The Usability Of Context Dependant Mobile Applications
Juan-Miguel López-Gil, Maite Urretavizcaya, Begoña Losada, Isabel Fernández de Castro
2014 - XV International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (Interaccion 2014)
Boosting Dependable Ubiquitous Computing: A Case Study
Christian Fernández-Campusano, Roberto Cortiñas, Mikel Larrea
2013 - 7th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence (UCAmI 2013)
Fault-Tolerant Leader Election in Mobile Dynamic Distributed Systems
Carlos Gómez-Calzado, Alberto Lafuente, Mikel Larrea, Michel Raynal
2013 - 19th Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC 2013)
Mobility-enabled Publish/Subscribe: A Case Study
Zigor Salvador, Alberto Lafuente, Mikel Larrea
2013 - 19th Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC 2013)
Uncovering the role of expectations on perceived web accessibility
Aizpurua A., Arrue M., Vigo M.
2013 - The 15th ACM SIGACCESS International Conference on Computers and Accessibility, ASSETS' 2013
Brief Announcement: Revisiting Dynamic Distributed Systems
Carlos Gómez-Calzado, Alberto Lafuente, Mikel Larrea, Michel Raynal
2013 - 27th International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC 2013)
Guremintza: Una red social para la diversidad cognitiva
Julio Abascal, Olatz Arbelaitz, Javier Muguerza, Antonio Heredia, Daniel Hernández
2013 - V Congreso Internacional de Diseño, Redes de Investigación y Tecnología para todos (DTR4ALL-2013)