Photogram Classification-Based Emotion Recognition
Juan Miguel López-Gil, Nestor Garay-Vitoria
2021 - IEEE Access Vol. 9
Aldizkariko artikulua
Ethool usability evaluation
Ainara Garzo, Nestor Garay-Vitoria
2021 - IEEE DataPort
Aldizkariko artikulua
Inteligencia Artificial
Nerea Ezeiza, Itziar Irigoien, Alexander Mendiburu, Jesús M. Pérez
2021 - Trépanos
Aldizkariko artikulua
Quantitative analysis of dysautonomia in patients with autonomic dysreflexia
Nora Cívicos Sánchez, Marian Acera, Ane Murueta-Goyena, Nagore Sagastibeltza, Raquel Martínez, Montserrat Cuadrado, Arrate Orueta, Beatriz Tijero, Tamara Fernández, Rocío Del Pino, Iñigo Gabilondo, Marí
2021 - Journal of Neurology
Aldizkariko artikulua
A Generalization Performance Study Using Deep Learning Networks in Embedded Systems
Joseba Gorospe, Rubén Mulero, Olatz Arbelaitz, Javier Muguerza, Miguel Ángel Antón
2021 - Sensors
Aldizkariko artikulua
Automatic Web Navigation Problem Detection Based on Client-Side Interaction Data
Ainhoa Yera, Iñigo Perona, Olatz Arbelaitz , Javier Muguerza, J. Eduardo Pérez, Xabier Valencia
2021 - Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences
Aldizkariko artikulua
Use of Web Scraping on Knowledge Representation Model for Bodies of Knowledge as a Tool to Development Curriculum
Quezada-Sarmiento P.A., Elorriaga J.A., Arruarte A., Jumbo-Flores L.A.
2021 -
A Preliminary Analysis of the Physiological Response Generated by Negative Thoughts
Asier Salazar-Ramirez, Nagore Sagastibeltza, Ainhoa Yera , Raquel Martinez, Javier Muguerza
2020 - Advances in Human-oriented and Personalized Mechanisms, Technologies, and Services
Measuring complexity of e-government services for people with low vision
Aritz Sala, Myriam Arrue, J. Eduardo Pérez, and Sandra M. Espín-Tello
2020 - Proceedings of the 17th International Web for All Conference (W4A '20)
Data-driven representation model of Urban Movement Space
Harbil Arregui, Oihana Otaegui, Olatz Arbelaitz
2020 - Proceedings of the 2020 3rd International Conference on Geoinformatics and Data Analysis (ICGDA 2020). ACM International Conference Proceeding Series